Monday, February 7, 2011

February, the month of Romance

This month I'm celebrating two things, well, maybe three. First of all, welcome to my brand new romantic, shabby chic blog! This beautiful blog was made for me by my new, talented friend, Karen Valentine of Valentine Designs. Thank you, Karen!

Second, I'm celebrating February as the month of Romance - or as the chic French say, Amour. Valentine's Day is just around the corner. I'm making some lovely Valentine cards and will post them soon.

And lastly, February is the last full month in winter. Although I love the color white, I won't be sorry to see the snow melt away, and see those sweet, little crocus as they poke their heads out of the frozen earth.


  1. Lizzie,
    What a beautiful blog, I am now following it, so I can read when you post new things!


  2. Hi Christine, Sorry it took me so long to see your comment. Thanks for following my new blog. I'll be adding more soon! Hugs, Lizzie
